Writer's Group

The Writer's Group meets at 1:00 on the dates listed below.

2024 Meeting Dates

September 4, 2024

The Mount Carmel Writer’s Group started almost two years ago as a call to advance the writing skills of local writers by providing lessons and prompts, facilitated by [pic left] Author Bonnie L. Boyles- (At Home on Manny’s Acres: A Place of Inclusion, Lowly Me and Jesus and Confounded by Immigration: Immigration from a Biblical Perspective). The group has grown to include published authors [middle pic] Barbara Arnold Linkous-(Words Attitudes Actions, Murrell’s Story, Cora’s Story), [far right] Bebbie Hickman, ( From The Eyes of a Sister, The Hidden Land of Youngsters: A Journey to an Unknown Land and The Hidden Land of Youngsters: The Reconnect) and Blogger- [StaceyBarkley.com-God’s Character]. Also pictured are Myrna Livesay, writing engaging short stories. Not pictured are Sonia Benton who has penned a series called Way Back Wednesdays for Facebook that she hopes to release as her first book. Leota Bennett has retired from writing a newspaper column but continues to share her historical knowledge and writings with the group. Joining more recently and not pictured are Regann Royster, Nicki Woodfin, new assistant librarian, Crystal and Marshall Adesman (soon to be publishing his first novel).

With nine published books between us, two in the pipeline, one blogger and a lot of fun…what’s to think about? Meetings are held the first Wednesday every month at 1:00 at the Mount Carmel Library and all are welcome to attend!

For more information contact Bonnie L. Boyles at bboyles2020@gmail.com or the library directly at 423-357-4011.